Friday, January 28, 2011

How To Calculate GPA

Everyone wants to know, "what's your GPA?"  Why?  Because your GPA or Grade Point Average is a key indicator of how well you're doing in school.  But, how to calculate GPA?  This leaves a lot of students confused and frustrated.  Does this sound like you?

Not to worry...calculating your GPA can be fun and easy.  In this post, I'll show you a simple and convenient way of keeping track of your GPA.

Step 1 - Where's your grades?

The first step in learning how to calculate GPA is getting your grades.  Got them in front of you? Great!  We'll use these grades below as an example and you can follow along by replacing them with your real grades.

Math A
Science B
History C
Art A
Speech B

Step 2 - What are they worth?

Each letter grade is worth a certain number of points.  Here's the scale that you can use to determine what each letter grade is worth:


So, by using the grades above, here is what each of our classes is worth -


Step 3 - Add them up.

Now, all we have to do is add up how many points we've earned:

4+3+2+4+3 = 16

Looks like we've earned 16 points!

Step 4 - Divide by the number of classes you're taking.

Based on this example, we're taking 5 classes (math, science, history, art, and speech)

So, we need to take 16 (from step #3) divided by 5

16/5 = 3.2

Your current GPA is 3.2.  This is how to calculate GPA!  Simple, right?

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